Unit 3 Session 5
God works through adversity and even the evil actionsof people to bring about good.
We now enter the story of Joseph. We learn in Genesis 37 that Joseph
was Jacob's favorite son, and once again, favoritism caused problems
in this dysfunctional family. Joseph was one of the youngest of Jacob's
children, yet in his dreams, Joseph saw his family bowing down to him
(Gen. 375-11). In their jealousy and spite, the brothers sold Joseph, and
he became a slave to Potiphar in Egypt (Gen. 37:36). Joseph earned great
favor in Potiphar's household but was thrown into prison when Potiphar's
wife lied and said Joseph had tried o sleep with her.
Points to consider:
✞ God is faithful to be present with His people,
even in adversity.
* How can we know God cares for us in difficult
* How can we know God cares for us in difficult
* Why are we tempted to rely on our own strength
or ability and not trust God?
reconciliation in His people.
* How does trusting in God's sovereignty factor
into our willingness to forgive others?
✞ God is faithful to bring good, even from evil.
* How does Joseph's story affect the way you
understand your life circumstances?