Unit 1 Session 3
Psalm 96 ; 2 Corinthians 3,4
God's Glory - His matchless beauty, goodness, and majesty - is revealed through the worship of His people, the wonder of His creation, and ultimatelythrough the revelation of His Son.
Before God created the heavens and the earth, God's glory was
manifested and praised without measure and without end. Through
His creation, God made a stage and an audience for His glory to fill.
Giving God glory is our highest purpose as human beings. We were
made for this - to witness God's glory and testify to it! The entire
Bible, and notably the Psalms, helps us to direct our attention and
our praise to our Creator God, especially as He has revealed Himself
in Jesus Christ.
Points to consider:
✞ God's glory is revealed through the worship of His people.
* What are some ways our worship of God matters
in this world?
✞ God's glory is revealed through the testimony of
His creation.
* What does it say about God that He reveals Himself
* What does it say about God that He reveals Himself
in different ways, such as in nature and in literature
like the Psalms?
✞ God's glory is revealed through the proclamation
of His Son.
* What are some ways we can detract from God's
* What are some ways we can detract from God's
glory in the gospel?