Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Our Position in Jesus Christ

Special thanks to Lance Harrington for preparing and delivering the message for today!

Col. 3:1-2
Paul is in prison as he writes to the Church, challenging them through their difficulties. (He had never even visited there.)  No matter where he was, he lived out the Will of God.  He encouraged others instead of being discouraged by his own circumstances.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit knew Their positions in the Trinity.
Psalm 110:1;  II Sam. 7:12;  Luke 22:69  

The verb in Col. 3:1 means "co-resurrected".

We forget our position when we fail to feed the Spirit.  As Believers, we sometimes lean on our own understanding, walk by sight instead of faith, fail to pay attention to consciously include God, allow pride to stand in our way, etc.

"Seek those things which are above..." (His glory, His will, His power, patience, whatsoever is pure, whatsoever is lovely, etc. :  eternal things)

Sometimes we live in sin because we take God's grace for granted.

Sin does not have power over us; our position in Christ leads us to righteousness.

When we take a stand then "play out of position", people notice.  When we stumble and fall, we should repent, apologize, take responsibility, then be accountable, transparent, and humble.

Paul wrote from prison  to remind and encourage the Church of its position in Christ, and to set its sights on eternal things instead of temporary things.

"Let Him speak in and through you..."  Luke 22

Sunday, July 15, 2012


"But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."  I Tim. 5:8

Ruth's family stood in contrast to the other families of the time.

Ruth sacrificed to stay with the family.

Ruth eventually became the Great-Grandmother of King David.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Guarantees that God gives to us: Love

Thanks to Ken Idleman for today's lesson!

I John 4:16

There are many kinds of love: friends, family, sexual, unconditional ("Agape")

"Others will catch a glimpse of God through you."

*He chose us.  John 15:16
     If we do God's work, He promises to equip us with what we need.
*He loved us first.  John 4:8-10
     His love cannot be earned or increased.

Rejoicing in Heaven