Unit 05 Session 2
EXODUS 34:1-14
Key Concept:God is compassionate and gracious, and He is also a jealous God.
With many miracles, Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. At Mount Sinai, they received God's laws. As Moses returned to the mountaintop to receive additional instructions, the people created a calf to worship, violating the first and second commandments. Moses shattered the tablets to show that the people had broken their covenant with God. Moses then returned to Mount Sinai and pleaded with God for mercy. In response, God showed mercy by equipping Moses to lead and renewing His covenant with the people.
As you examine Exodus 34:1-14:
✞ Identify God's characteristics, such as the Lord is compassionate and gracious, yet just.
✞ Reflect upon the fact that we are to destroy idols in our lives, keeping God first in everything.