Friendship Baptist Church Owasso

Friendship Baptist Church Owasso
Family of Friends

Saturday, October 12, 2024

week of 10/13

Unit 02  Session 2


gENESIS 17:1-10; 15-19


Key Concept:
The almighty God makes it possible for humanity to be in relationship with Him.

Sojourning in his new home, Abram waited for God to bring about His promises, which included a son. Waiting isn't easy, and the aging Abram wondered if the promised child would ever come. Growing anxious, he and Sarai brought Hagar into the fold and bore Ishmael through her. But God did not need their help, only their faith. Ishmael would not be the inheritor of the blessing, and God had not forgotten His word. Everything He promised would come to pass. So Abram received a new name that reminded him of that truth and reconfirmed the covenant God had made with him. 

As you examine Genesis 17:1-10; 15-19:

   Consider the significance of God calling upon His people to live in His presence.
✞   Recognize that true faith always leads to obedient action for those who love Jesus 
    and are called by Him.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

week of 10/5

Unit 02  Session 1


gENESIS 12:1-9


Key Concept:
Faith is obeying and following God no matter the circumstances that come with it.

Genesis 12 opens a new era of God's revelation. For eleven chapters, God revealed the beginning of the world at a macro level. In Chapter 12, God begins to reveal the beginning of His covenant at a micro level, from many generations down to one man. Abram is the beginning of the story in so many ways. Our understanding of the grace of God revealed ultimately in Jesus Christ is strengthened by our understanding of the story of Abram way back in Genesis.

As you examine Genesis 12:1-9:

   Identify the sacrifices Abram made to step out in faithful obedience.
✞   Consider how knowing the love God has for us encourages us to obey and follow His call.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

week of 9/29

Unit 01  Session 5


gENESIS 11:1-9


Key Concept:
Humanity rebels against God's commands and needs to be restrained.

After living in the ark for just over a year, Noah and his family stepped out on dry ground. Then God made a covenant with Noah that He would never again flood the whole earth to destroy sin. Like He had commanded Adam, God commanded Noah and his sons to fill the earth by spreading out and multiplying. Creation had a fresh start. One would think obedience and a desire to walk with God would be foremost on the minds of every human being after the flood, but sin still corrupted the hearts and minds of each new generation. And once again, God would not tolerate their rebellion.

As you examine Genesis 11:1-9:

   Reflect on your attempts to bring God to our level or to worship Him on our terms.
✞   Identify ways God still restrains sin today.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

week of 9/22

Unit 01  Session 4


gENESIS 6:9-22


Key Concept:
Sin corrupts and must be judged, but God saves those who fear and obey Him.

If Adam and Eve had hoped their firstborn son, Cain, would be the promised Seed to defeat the serpent, their hopes were crushed when Cain murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy. Grieving the loss of Abel, Adam and Eve had another son, Seth - a son in Adam's likeness. Unlike Cain's descendants, who lived however they pleased, Seth's descendants walked with God and hoped for reprieve from the curse of sin. While sin and violence corrupted humankind, Noah, whose name means rest, was a righteous man who followed God. God would soon enact righteous judgment against sin on the whole earth, but God showed grace to Noah.

As you examine Genesis 6:9-22:

   Identify ways you can live blamelessly in a world that does not value what God values.
✞   Reflect on times when you have experienced the blessings of faithful obedience in your 
    own life.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

week of 7/15

Unit 01  Session 3


gENESIS 4:1-12


Key Concept:
Sin leads us to disordered feelings and responses, and to hateful actions.

Adam and Eve, the first image-bearers of God their Creator, sinned and were banished from the garden of Eden. Exiled from the garden, Eve gave birth to two sons, Cain and Abel. As their story unfolds, we find the consequences of sin continue to spread from Adam and Eve's decision to take of the forbidden fruit, not trusting in God's good character and instruction. Thus begins he long story of humanity's pride and sinful ways, revealing our full need for a Savior and Redeemer Who will forgive us of our sins and make us new.

As you examine Genesis 4:1-12:

   Reflect upon parts of your life in which you fail to give your all or your best to God.
✞   Contemplate how sin derails our sense of purpose and productivity.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

week of 9/8

 Unit 01  Session 2


gENESIS 3:1-7, 15, 21-24


Key Concept:
Sin results in shame, separation, and death.

God created everything good: the sky, the land, the sea, the animals, and so forth. Then the writer of Genesis continued to recount in greater detail the creation of humanity. God formed Adam out of dust and placed him in the perfect garden of Eden. Adam was free to eat any fruit except from the knowledge of good and evil. Then God introduced into His creation Eve, who would help Adam fulfill God's purposes. Blameless, they were naked without shame. However, this changed after Satan came on the scene in the form of a serpent to deceive and manipulate.

As you examine Genesis 3:1-7, 15, 21-24:

   Identify lies Satan might use today to make us question God and His goodness.
✞   Think about how our view of God impacts our approach to repentance of sin.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

week of 9/1

Unit 01  Session 1


gENESIS 2:7, 15-25


Key Concept:
God created humanity for relationships.

In the beginning, in Genesis 1, God created the heavens and the earth. In six days, God created the domains of the sky, sea, and land and filled them with lights and living creatures. But for all the wonder of the created world around us and the universe beyond us, the Lord made human beings as the pinnacle of His creation. We were created, both male and female, uniquely in the image of God. The world was created for humanity and humanity for the world, a realm to steward together in God's name. And God declared it all to be "very good" in His sight. In Genesis 2, the Scripture zooms in on the creation of the man and woman God made in His image.

As you examine Genesis 2:7, 15-25:

   Identify how we ought to relate to God and others because of how God created humanity.
✞   Contemplate the changes that ought to occur in your life if you believe in the Bible's 
    account of the creation of humanity.